Defining audiation through analogies. Perception vs. audiation. MLT vs. mlt.
Lutoslawski and Stravinsky - composers mentioned
Joey Alexander - very young master jazz pianist
What is audiation?
Partial Synthesis is the third skill in a sequence of traditional Music Learning Theory in which students are taught to recognize and identify sameness and difference between groups of patterns. See more in the book linked below.
Learning Sequences in Music, by Edwin E. Gordon, is the "bible" for learning Music Learning Theory.
MLT is a theory of how music is learned, including stages and types of audiation, Skill and Content Learning Sequence, and Learning Sequence Activities, put together in a formal structure to teach audiation in the way that children naturally learn to be musical. On the other hand, teaching note reading on the staff, a very typical music teaching method, violates MLT and the product of such is out-of-tune playing, poor expression, and a lack of rhythmic style. Technical instruction like this doesn't necessarily lead to audiation.
Any music learning with contextual understanding that has ever happened in the world is a function of (small case) mlt. How people learn to audiate outside of the formal codification of Gordon's theory of how music is learned.
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