Audiation in the Wild

s2-e23-Response to AI generated criticisms of Gordon

Episode Summary

We used GPT-4 to come up with criticisms of Gordon. So, we responded to what it came up with.

Episode Notes

Harmonic Learning Sequence Zoom classes have been requested for this summer. 10 participants max. 6:30-8:00 ET, August 8, 15, 22. HLS - August 2023 information

Eric Rasmussen, PhD in Music Education, Temple University. Three-year student of Dr. Edwin Gordon. 
Chair, Early Childhood Music, Peabody Preparatory, Johns Hopkins University 
Author of his Harmonic Learning curriculum: Dr. Eric's Book of Songs and Chants including Harmonic Learning Sequence.

Beau Taillefer - Guitarist (jazz and classical), music educator, intellectual